Replication and Command related info

Hello all,

I know it was not too long ago that I created an article relating to control of the replication information.

All of that data remains, but I wanted to give some new update to the current replication information as well.

I have now moved the replication command information to allow for the service start/stop sequences to actually kill the underlying process. This means that lftp won't keep setting up new connections after an update, or a service reboot/restart.

It is also more aware of the tasks it has to run. This means, more or less, it will replicate items only if a replication tasking has not been started.

I know this seems rather pointless to state, but I think it's a necessity to inform everyone about the new changes.

No this will not fix the bandwidth limiter, but it should ensure we don't keep iterating over and over the same thing causing potential indefinite transfers if items don't copy in the allotted time period.