FOG Hangout 4

August 31st at 7 PM Central Standard Time

Hangout 4 is now around the corner, and all are invited! FOG Hangouts serve as a place to talk about all things FOG. Many ask questions about how others would approach scenarios, how to do common tasks, talk about how they use fog, and the developers usually join in the discussion, too.

This is a great opportunity for someone wanting to explore FOG. It's a great place to ask generalized questions and learn. You are also welcome to just listen. As with past hangouts, these will be placed on YouTube and will directly benefit the FOG Project.

If you are interested in joining in, please be sure to join the FOG Hangout group on the forums. Being a member of this forums group means you will receive email updates about future FOG Hangout events, including how to join in! The link is :

See you then,
The FOG Team