FOG 1.5.7 Officially Released
The FOG Team is proud to announce the immediate availability FOG 1.5.7.
This release is available for download at:
Download from GitHub
For installation instructions please see and select your relevant server OS.
Comparison of 1.5.6 to 1.5.7:
FOG Server:
This release mainly focuses on performance improvements and bug fixes for FOG.
BUG Fixes:
- Propagate fogproject account rename in the database properly
- Fix PHP version check on Debian upgrade installs
- Repair advanced menu script
- Repair iPXE compilation with HTTPS/SSL certificate support
- Enumerate image size properly
- Enforce new hostname option to be used on upgrades as well
- Get rid of error in log file when checksum wasn’t downloaded yet
- Silence the ftp_… commands
- Update installer to work on Debian 10 Buster
- Add options to FOGBackup script
FOG Operating System (FOS):
BUG Fixes:
- Fix resize/expand issue with NVMe disks
- Add GPT check before trying to set UUID disk and partition information
- Increase init size to 256 MB
- Add package dosfstools for mkfs.vfat
- Add instructions for building ARM kernels and inits
- Update Kernel (4.19.48)