FOG 1.5.0 RC 7
The FOG Team is proud to announce the immediate availability of the 7th release candidate for FOG 1.5.0.
BUG Fixes:
- Plugin Management/Removal Fixes.
- Fix issues with Action boxes potentially not displaying.
- Fix Group membership removal issues and membership, hopefully, in general.
- Fix error message for taskings when image is protected.
- Fix API backend to display memory information within inventory reports.
- Fix start times of snapin tasks to work more accurately.
- Fix pending host display issue.
- Fix image resizing to take account of the firstlba if set.
- Fix printer management to allow text for port/inf information with less strict tests.
- Fix active task and active snapin task display issues a bit.
- Fix filter information to maintain during node page updates. (Needs some more work to adjust for subs being changed as well.)
- Make menu bar display a bit nicer by moving below branding and centering elements where appropriate.
- Make task state plugin bootstrap friendly.
- Update ipxe to latest files. Should fix HyperV Gen II systems natively now.