FOG 1.5.0 RC 5

The FOG Team is proud to announce the immediate availability of the 5th release candidate for FOG 1.5.0.

BUG Fixes
  • Fix snapin page to accurately display Shutdown/Reboot/None on radio boxes.
  • Fix attempt to prevent 'Too many macs' unless pending macs are already met.
  • Fix dialog popup to close appropriately and only impact the current displayed dialog.
  • Fix group membership page trying to add through ajax and failing due to this.
  • Add "associated" and "unassociated" snapins to host basic tasks -> single snapin task type. Show Associated first, then the unassociated.
  • Re-add the currently editing item name in the main portion so we always know what we're editing.
  • Alter http implicit checks to servers to prefer the protocol in use to view the GUI.
  • Add enabled/disabled flag display for images and snapins. Add protected flag status to snapins.