FOG 1.5.0 RC 11
The FOG Team is proud to announce the immediate availability of the 11th release candidate for FOG 1.5.0.
BUG Fixes:
- Fix sgdisk to zero out disk after restore function occurs on gpt disks.
- Fix issue with restoring swap uuid on mbr based Hard Drives.
- Fix check to not fail if diskuuid is empty.
- Fix Arch PHP ini config style without .so extension naming.
- Fix isc-dhcp-server setup issue on Debian 9.
- Fix FOG Cron class to set next/past times more properly.
- Fix FOG Cron range setting to operate appropriately.
- Fix customized pxe items starting with a number to still expand as jquery id's can't start with a number.
- Slim header and other components of the GUI.
- Remove buildroot (fos building components) as it is handled in its own repository now.
- Change color of deploy/upload to avoid user error.