FOG 1.3.5 RC 6

The FOG Team is proud to announce the immediate availability of the 6th release candidate for FOG 1.3.5.

This releases further fixes bugs from the fifth release and adds a couple minor but relatively useful features.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix older new client reports that still used servicemodule-active calls.
  • Fix group deploy tasking displaying array instead of real message.
  • Fix fresh install EFI Exit type to default to use rEFInd.
  • Fix MBR capture to actually pull the proper data instead of 63 * 512 as it was doing.


  • Implicitly call an array within ping hosts.
  • More definitive checking for sanitation of items passed.

Features added.

  • Images can now be Uncompressed totally no longer requiring pigz/gzip. This should enable Clonezilla images to be able to be used by default with fog. As a side effect fog images captured in those mode should also be able to be used in clonezilla.
  • Image Size on server is now handled by a linux service much like snapin hash currently is. This means the Size on server element no longer uses a bunch of FTP calls to get their information speeding the return of information.