FOG 1.3.0 RC 24

The FOG Team is proud to announce the immediate availability of the 24th release candidate for FOG 1.3.0.

This release addresses various minor bugs and tweaks. Particularly in regards to installation. Among these things, while many files were edited, little has been "put in place", it's just code so when time comes to switch all will be that bit easier.

Simplified change log follows:

Start all of our manager classes to have their install methods. Again NONE of them are in use on the core stuff yet, just a more clean approach to ensure a nice switch over to schema handling
2ea73cd Adding the bit's a bit further in with regards to install/uninstall methods. Commonize the uninstall method in fogmanagercontroller

Add the install and uninstall method for the sql stuff.

Cleanup work for the location plugin, just to make it nicer and hopefully more followable.

Add a bit more security headers as per owasp suggestions (may contain some unexpected issues but they can be addressed). Add the create table method into an operational element and move the location plugin to use this new setup as an initial test

More sql cleanups

Use class field relationships on images as 4 queries per each image is just WAY too much

Add safety checks for macs in regards to WOL functionality.

Fix issues with multicast to address #140. Cleanup email reporting.

Hopefully ensure we only get associated macs if the parse mac list returns data.

Fix typo on powermanagement wake on lan function.

Cleanup the variable in the case it's constantly being populated.

Fix issue with tipsy by setting min width and max width. Also remove all the fog based tipsy css stuff so as to lessen code and use the default information.

Fix Ondrej repo changes for ubuntu installation.

Should always delete the file (even if it doesn't exist)

LDAP for ubuntu needs to be in similar format to FPM apparently.

Die out if DB is not connected using a 406 code (not acceptable).

Report and exit if DB is not able to be connected

Final cleanup work. DB stuff will display with useful information in the service logs and continue when the db is reconnected.

This should maintain php5-fpm for debian

Fix missed issue with construct check

Fix up logging of services to be maintained properly, even if DB is cut out.

Fix issue with starting multicastmanager service

Fix issues with counting on group activity. Fix loading issues.

Finish cleanup of printer management page

Fix php-fpm so it's trying to use php5.6-fpm for ubuntu with php 5.

Perform, more or less, same for index caller (all/list) as search post does now.

Use a singular searchPost instead of multiples unless needed elsewhere. This should help with debugging and limit errors on edits later on.

Comment the rest of the files in lib/fog and cleanup as needed.

Setup available timeout to 2 seconds as default.